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Album No.1

Film Photography

Album No.2

Travel Photography


My photography, whether film or digital, tends to focus on landscape and architecture.  I love the outdoors and architecture, and my photography reflects that.  As a traveler and explorer of the world, I also enjoy photographing the various places around the world that I visit.  My digital portfolio reflects my love of traveling, as many digital photos I take are of the places I have been.  My digital photos are captured with a point-and-shoot Olympus camera.  My film photos were captured on my grandfather's Canon T80 35mm camera and processed in a darkroom.  I tend to shoot what I find aesthetically pleasing as well as places and things that have meaning for me.  When photographing in black-and-white, I like to capture images that have high contrast and interesting textures. 


E. Ogden




E. Ogden

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